Thursday, November 12, 2009

This Family Thought They Were...

Never going to find

Alright, so it is a cat. It's also dressed in a duck costume and is called "Bunny." I'm starting to get the feeling Parents aren't to sad to see Bunny go. I mean, I for one think that they are doing a pretty good job throwing people off Bunny's trail. Sign highlight: "Bunny is deaf & can't hear a thing" To me this implies, "So, even if you do see him, really don't even bother calling for him. And you know what, Bunny can outrun pretty much anything, so really don't even bother chasing after him. Just know he is very dearly loved."


  1. hahaha. and you know the contact phone number is for Mary's Pizza Shack...mmm.

  2. haha, I'm surprised this hasn't come up on failblog yet. Where did you find this?

  3. Hahaha, Oh, Other're so funny. Good job!

  4. LOL!! I agree with Matt, complete fail. Also, where did you find this? Man, Erika I wonder if you found this in Thousand Oaks or San Francisco? All in all, good post and loving the blog.

  5. This is hilarious. Seriously who posts a lost picture of their cat in a chicken suit?
