Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Applications, Cover Letters, and ResumesThought They Were...

Applications, cover letters, and resumés thought they were Mexican food.

Aha! Right? Can I get an air-five?...No? You're not with me on this? Okay, okay, well, think about it. I don't have to tell you that Mexican food is basically all the same thing in different shapes. I should interject here that I have no problems with Mexican food, I mean, burritos thought they were the second coming of Christ. My issues are with the redundancy of the job hunt. Having to deal with applications, cover letters, and resumés, throw in an interview or two, and you got a WHOLE lot of the same stuff said in different ways. With all the mind-numbing, meticulous hurdles most jobs make you jump before you get a position it's truly a wonder that there are any cases of ineptitude in any workplace. Aren't businesses supposed to be all about streamlining and efficiency? I propose that the business world take a page from Taco Bell, the world's leader in Mexican food streamlining, and develop the "Crunchwrap Supreme" of the application process. Let's wrap all this tedious paper work up in one flour tortilla and we'll be "good to go."


  1. Amen to that! Job hunting is so damn tedious and monotonous that it doesn't feel worth it sometimes...don't even get me started about the amount of examinations you need to be a sperm donor. Anyways, I liked attitude of your writing--it's very informal and conversational.

    I'll save the epic air-five for class tomorrow, bahaha.

    Fuck. I'm hungry.

  2. You bring light to a good point. Mexican food dishes are, for the most part, similar, but offer different tastes. Job hunting should be just as easy to handle as a Double Decker, but always seems to end up some how on you shirt. I liked the conversational aspect of you writing, it adds to the humor.

  3. So I would like to start off by saying I totally know what your talking about!!! Anywho, great topic, and well written. It will be interesting to see what you come up with next.

  4. Like everyone else so far, i'm a fan of the comparison. You'd think business would appreciate efficiency over appeal, but then in this "interview" you have to dress up. I guess much like Iron Chef, the dish has to look "appealing" as well as have the flavor for your taste buds to get off. I just hope we get some home quality cooked jobs opposed to this mass manufactured saturated taco bell version of a job. thumbs up, good read.

  5. I love how you're comparing your job hunting to food. That's just funny.
